
Thursday, June 9, 2022

Liver Specialist - Fatty Liver Due to Hypothyroid Perhaps

I went to see a liver specialist as I have been dealing with some yellowing of my eyes for many years now. I had my gallbladder out as they thought perhaps that was the issue. Here is a link to a post about that

When my Dr. ran some labs in February, I had two abnormal liver results. When I did a google search on what could cause those two labs to be increased and found that if someone has both of those test elevated, it could be due to hypothyroidism! 

I then had an ultrasound a few weeks ago and it showed a fatty liver. I had a abdominal cat scan for my lung specialist appointment, and it also showed fatty liver. 

When I went to the specialist, they said that it could be either fatty liver, of a condition called "NASH" which causes scaring in the liver and makes it get hard, where as fatty liver leaves the liver soft but full of fat! 

They had me stay over and did a test that is where they do tapping on the liver area through the ribs and see how much resistance is in the liver. If it is hard and there is more resistance, then it is N.A.S.H. but if it is soft, it is fatty liver. 

I got the results today, and it is fatty liver. I knew it would be because of some genetic testing Princess One had done. It states that with her genetics, she is more prone to "Non-Alcohol related Fatty Liver" and I shared that with the Dr. 

I was so frustrated that they sent a note saying for me to exercise for 30 minutes a day and eat a Mediterranean diet. No mention of if it could be linked to my thyroid. No suggestions as to how to heal it etc. I am so frustrated that the doctors all assume that I eat a ton and don't do any exercise and that is why I am overweight. 

I wish our medical system would look at the body as a whole. There are so many specialists, that they only see their one organ or system instead of looking at how they react to each other. 

I just got online and one of the advertisements that showed up on my Facebook feed was one about how sluggish liver / bile is linked in studies to thyroid issues! 

In doing a bit of research, eating a grapefruit daily has helped reduce fatty liver. I was told by the specialist to not try herbs like milk thistle, but they have no medication that can help, didn't look at the thyroid issues, and told me to exercise and diet. Like I haven't tried that before! 

My last hope medically would be that they can figure out thyroid medication and that it helps my liver! 

It would be such a blessing to figure my health out!

Have a blessed day!

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