
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

111 - Thyroid Specialist - Tests Look Like Hashimoto Disease

Last week, I went to see three specialist in another city. One of the specialists I saw was an endocrinologist as I had some abnormal thyroid tests. I have been dealing with thyroid issues for many years now and thought going gluten free was going to help as my TPO, which is an indicator that something is wrong, was 590, but eating gluten free, it went down each year when I would get retested. 

My local Dr. didn't run the TPO test even though I wanted to see where it was at after 5 years. I was hoping it would be much lower with how I eat. 

When I saw the specialist, she asked me the standard questions about symptoms common with thyroid issues. I have all of the symptoms. She wanted to run her own tests, so basically, I just had my blood drawn and she said she would order medications after she saw the labs. 

I haven't heard back from her office, but was able to look up my labs online. I was so disheartened to see the TPO was over 800 after all those years of not eating gluten! So sad! 

So the tests results that I have that are off, are all the indicators for Hoshimoto's disease. This is not anything new to me as I figured with all the symptoms I have that I had it. I tried several thyroid medications in the past few months, but the thyroid specialist said that the amounts I was taking were way high so I hope that my body will be able to find the right balance so I don't have to go through the horrible symptoms and weight gain that I had trying the meds last month. 

What I hope more than anything, is that no matter what happens, that I can start feeling better. I have so many things that need to be done but when I look at them, I just think I can't start them because I know I won't have the energy to finish it! 

I had to smile when looking at my test results as I had a 111 as one of my test result numbers! I feel like it was God letting me know that things will work out! I am grateful that I was able to get in to the specialist and to start moving forward with my health! 

Have a blessed day!

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