
Monday, June 6, 2022

A Few New Pokemon Friends - Fun Weekend

I shared a few weeks back about my friend that visited me from the East Coast, and how he saw me playing Pokemon and then downloaded it, and now we are both about at the same level in the game. Here is a post about that.

He bought passes for my daughter's family and I to join in an event this weekend where you can catch NEW Pokemon. All of us had busy days scheduled, and the even was only from 10 to 6 during the day, but after my busy day of making beds for a charity, I went to the cemetery and started playing hoping to catch the new Gratitude Pokemon. 

I put lures on three stops at the same time, and burned an incense which is supposed to attract Pokemon to you. I had a ton of cars stopping at the LURE stops as they can benefit others who stop at the spinners and boy did they stop! Because it was an event, there were LOTS of people out. 

I didn't get to play much on Sunday due to other conflicts and church, but there is a real interesting thing that has been happening with all of this. 

Last night, as I was finishing up for the end of the event, I left the cemetery and went to the park near there, and then to another park and looped to a college that has a few stops. When I turned to go to the front of the college, I saw a truck turn after me and thought maybe it was a police truck. I wanted to get out of the way and also spin a stop at the baseball fields, so I pulled into a parking lot. The truck passed me and looped through the other entrance and headed towards me and pulled up at the drivers side window. He actually looked like he could be a police officer off duty. 

He leaned out his window and asked if we were "POKEMON FRIENDS?" I laughed and said that I was only friends with my kids and a few others I had met. He then asked if I wanted to be friends. Of course, I am cautious. He then told me he was in the military unit near our town and lived in a larger city a few hours away. He then said he was supposed to meet someone to trade "Lucky" Pokemon as you can only trade with people you have become good friends with over time. He then mentioned the name of the person and it was one of my dearest Bunko friends husband! 

At that point, I figured the guy was safe and he was wasting time as he was here for guard weekend and they were through for the night and headed out in the morning. He showed me so many things about throwing the poke balls, which ones to evolve, which to leave as "dark" ones, how to cheat the game in some ways, but it seems like everyone has a few cheats up there sleeve! ha ha He traded about 15 Pokemon with me hoping to get a lucky trade as the values change randomly as you trade. He showed me one from out of the country he got in the military, and some cute cactus ones from his weekend in a south west state that are regional type Pokemon. We also talked about how he started playing for his Son and I started for my children, and it seems like most adults that play it have started for their kids.

He then asked if I was on a "group" that was local that he was on. He asked if I wanted to join when I told him I had only been doing this for under two months and he hooked me up with the group, and they all did a remote raid and I was able to get a large shark Pokemon. He helped me throw the poke-balls after the raid to get the larger Legendary Pokemon as I am not great yet at hitting excellent throws. 

I talked to him about miracles in my life, why I started playing, about my brother leaving for a mission to South America and how I ran into him at the cemetery visiting my mothers grave this week etc. Here is a link to that post. It was interesting to me that I could almost instantly become friends with a stranger and share my feelings on faith and God so quickly. I shared in my church congregation today about how God will use you where you stand if you are a light and friendly. 

I was literally driving out of the church parking lot today when I got a text from a lady in that new group I joined saying there were people going to do a raid at a park a few blocks away. I drove over and was able to win another large Pokemon and this time I caught it myself! There was another at the same location, and we beat the five star Pokemon, but in the end, I didn't catch the Legend because my throws aren't the best yet. We drove to one last one a few blocks away and fought one more, and once again, we won the battle, but I didn't catch the Pokemon due to my lack of excellent throwing skills. ha ha. 

After the battle, the woman I was talking with as we were waiting for the last guy to show up, she got out of her car and started talking to me. I turned my car off and we talked for two hours and I guess I didn't turn my keys all the way back as my battery drained and I had to jump start my car! However, I once again was able to talk with her about God as she has a very young daughter that has kidney failure and just found out her son has the same genetic issue with his kidneys and we talked about faith in God and asking for our needs with faith. 

She reminded me so much of myself in the things she was dealing with, and she is also a nurse, and I felt that God put me in those peoples lives for a reason. I was amazed that God could use me where I was as long as I was willing to share, and even playing a silly time draining game! 

I gave the woman my number and told her that if she ever wanted to talk, walk, needed help with her daughter or anything, to give me a call. She allowed me to give her two huge hugs while we talked as I could see she is in the middle of a huge trial. It made me count my blessings and realize how truly charmed my life is compared to so many others. 

I accidentally deleted my friend Matt's profile on the game trying to invite him to the gym battles, but was grateful I could just add him back and they restored our friendship level. It was a very interesting weekend, but was wonderful that I could meet another few friends! 

Who knew Pokemon could be such a friend maker in my world? Have a blessed day!

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