
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Thyroid Medication and Specialists - Praying it goes well.

I tried some thyroid medication last month. It was levothyroixin. Withing a few weeks, I was feeling terrible. I was starving hungry and couldn't get enough food. I normally eat one meal a day with a protein bar or fruit 

I gained 10 pounds in just a few weeks. I started having insomnia where I didn't sleep but a few hours in three nights, heart palpitations, headaches that were more vague than I normally get, and I was tired as normal, and the last day of taking it, it felt like my skin was on fire. I kept trying to find cold things I could put on different areas of my skin that were burning. 

I stopped taking it and then when I looked up the side effects, I had many of them. I looked into medication for Hashimotos disease and they suggest a T3 medication rather than the T4 meds I tried many years ago and recently. 

I talked to my Dr. at my recent visit, and he said we could try the T3 medications suggested. It is called Liothyronine. I have only been on it a week or so, but with the headache today, I didn't take it. I was on the other med for a few weeks before having the problems. The only problems I am having so far is really long and increased heart palpitations. 

I am hoping these new medications will help me start to feel better, but I am still feeling a bit more hungry but I think that is still a lingering situation from the other medication getting out of my system as it has been getting a little less each day. I

I appreciate my Dr. once again listening to me and after getting my abnormal results and test back, he has referred me to three specialists. One for my thyroid, one for my lungs, and one for my liver. I am so grateful that he is willing to help me try and figure out these issues. 

Have a blessed day!

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