
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Mother of a Migraine - New Meds Not Working

I woke in the night with a nightmare headache. I went back to sleep praying it would go away and I could sleep it off. I turned on a show and went in and out of sleep but woke feeling terrible. 

The Dr. gave me some new migraine meds to try recently. I tried Nurtec and it worked in about 45 minutes. It dissolved in the mouth and didn't completely take out the pain, but enough that I could function and the headache began to get worse in four to six hours but you can't take more for 24 hours. 

However, for me, just taking the edge off made my life functional and I wasn't throwing up so that was a big happy for me.  When I talked to my Doctor about it, he told me he could give me another drug that works through the mouth and it could be used for the break through headache as they work on different mechanisms. 

However, when I went to pick up the medications, only the second one was in the pharmacy. The Nurtec was not available at the pharmacy as they don't have it in stock, and it needs a prior referral for my insurance. My Dr. gave me some trials and I used them all in a few weeks as I had so many storm headaches the past month. 

The Rizatriptan was the only one I had but haven't tried it yet. I tried one this morning and felt like it made me throw up more quickly than I would have taking some of the other meds I usually take. I usually take Sudafed, acetaminophen, and drink 20 ounces of Coke quickly. 

I threw up soon after taking it. I drank some Coke and took another Rizatriptan and within a few minutes, I was throwing up again and it was really violent dry heaving. It was awful. I decided not to take the Rizatriptan again. I decided to try taking the anti-nausea medication the first Dr. ordered for me that is also a dissoluble pill. It is called Ondansetron. I don't know if it was that or the meds I then took that are the normal cocktail I take and was in bed literally all day falling asleep for a few minutes here and there while distracting myself listening to shows. I got up twice more and took more acetaminophen. I wasn't feeling well enough to get up until after 11 p.m. I was finally feeling well enough to get a few things done and blog. 

I am going to talk to the Dr. and see if he can get approval for me to get the Nortec approved so I can not lose out on full days again. It has been a horrible day and I am sure I am going to be sore tomorrow from all the vomiting today. 

It is nice that there is medication available to help people in my situation. I just hope that I will be able to get it as it was so nice to be able to not lose days last month feeling terrible and not getting anything done. 

Have a blessed day! 

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