
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Lunch With Another Niece - The Artist

I was supposed to go to lunch with another niece two weeks ago. Here is a post about that. I took her twin sisters out individually a few nights and planned on taking their older sister on the next Monday when she was in town. She was really sick on the Monday we were supposed to go, so she asked if we could do it on the next Monday. 

Last Monday, I was REALLY sick with a migraine and vomited all day so violently that I was sore for days. I called her and asked if we could postpone it for another week. Here is a link to that post.

I texted her last night to make sure she was in town. She lives in a different city and comes home for the weekends and leaves Monday afternoon. She told me she was up to meeting for lunch.

We went to a restaurant and ate lunch and as we were visiting about her job, the wind picked up outside the building on the side we were seated to eat. The wind hit the Awning swoop shaped plastic that covered the outside window and funneled the wind up into the attic / eaves of the building and it started raining foam and insulation into the restaurant. It was between 3 and 4 p.m. when we finished as we sat visiting, but I was glad that others weren't eating in that section anymore as it was like rain and the tables were covered with dust from the metal beams above us and from the insulation. 

We both started coughing and decided we had better leave as it was now fine dust and insulation in the air. My guess is that they had to close that section to people eating as the wind didn't stop until late in the evening. 

We had a great visit and it was worth the wait. She is my artist niece who I have shared her artwork in the past. 

Here is a link that has all her art linked in it. 

I am blessed with a great and talented family! I am glad that they will spend time with their Aunt! 

Have a blessed day!

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