
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thinking of Others Makes Your Holiday Better

I was headed into do some shopping the other day and was met at the front of the store with a heavenly smell!

All the Valentine flowers were lined up near the door and the beautiful colors and smells greeted every shopper. 

The colors of roses was fabulous and I thought I should buy some for myself since I don't have a valentine. However, that isn't who I am. I have always tried to think of others on holidays as it keeps me from feeling sorry for myself and brings joy to others.  

Here is a link to my video about going to sing at the old folks home years ago instead of feeling sorry for myself when the kids went with their dad. 

I also got flowers and a fruit basket recently from, people who thought of me, so I figured I wanted to pay it forward. I have always chosen to do service when I start to feel sorry for myself, so I thought, "Who needs flowers more than I do this Valentines Day? 

I have a friend whose daughter who is a nurse and has two young children is going through a divorce. I thought how dear this friend is to me and about how scared her daughter must be going through all this and around Valentines Day. 

I sent my friend a venmo with a note to buy her daughter some flowers and also texted her about it. I have been praying for her and stressed for all that she is going through as I truly understand having babies in diapers and going through that. I shared with my friend what a blessing having her be able to help her daughter is as I had older kids to help me. Texting her opened up a door for her to ask me some questions about divorce that she may not be able to ask any others.

I didn't send a lot of money, but was glad that I could send something. I love this friend and she has always been so thoughtful to me. I feel very blessed to know her. 

I also had a cousin text me and invite me to a virtual movie and sent me the nicest text. I felt so loved. There have been so many people being so kind to me through Christmas and my covid and illness. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we can get to a point where we all have enough to just do kind things for people all the time!  

It was a wonderful holiday and it reinforced that I always get more out of giving than receiving. 

Have a blessed day!

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