
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

God Giving Me Information and Placing Me Where It Was Needed

This morning I woke and I couldn't get back to sleep. I decided to search how much radiation I am getting from the radon levels in my home and compare it to smoking cigarettes to see what damage is happening due to radiation. I fell back to sleep and later in the day something interesting happened with the information I found. 

I had a weird experience at the gas station on the way home from Walmart. It was much later than I am usually out since I took so long at Walmart buying things for a project I am working on for next Christmas. 

I pulled in right behind a car and there was a truck at the opposite pump. The man from the other pump was talking to his friend and looked over and saw the guy at the pump in front of me and said to the guy in front of me, “Hey, are you going to "the town where Princess One lives?” or so I thought. I asked him if he was going to "a town where Princess One lives?"And he said, “No, he asked if I was going to ? a burner – smoke a cigarette.” I laughed and was washing my front windows and told him I thought he said going to "the town where Princess One lives." and was going to offer him gas money to take something up to my daughter.” He laughed and said he would take them if he was going. 

I then asked if I could share something I learned today about cigarettes? He said “Sure. I’m guessing its bad.” I told him that I have some lung damage and that I have found and tested radon in my home. I told him I was researching today that Radon gas comes up from the ground and because tobacco leaves are sticky the radiation sticks to the leaves. When a person lights up the cigarette it activates the radiation on the leaves and the person smoking it inhales some of that as well as passing some on to those around them. 

When they did studies specifically about how much radiation the people get per cigarette and found in the tissue of passed on smokers, the radiation gets stuck in the bronchial and that this is where most of the lung cancers seem to set up, so they can’t make a correlation for sure that the radiation plays a part in the cancer, but believe it probably contributes to it. The man seemed to really absorb what I was telling him. I asked if he wanted me to send him the information and he said he could look it up. I told him there were only two studies that I could find on that specific information so he should be able to find it. 

He finished gassing up and walked over in front of the store part and the other guys were over there already smoking. I don’t know how the conversation started over there, but I overheard this man telling the other two men smoking about the sticky leaves, radon and radiation in the cigarettes. I took a picture in my side mirror when I was leaving of the men smoking as I pulled out because I felt like God put me in that situation right then as I just looked up that information this morning. 

I am not usually out that late and wouldn't usually start a conversation at the gas station. I found a penny on my way out of Walmart to head to get gas. I even thought of getting gas tomorrow at the normal gas station I go to for gas. I went to this place I haven’t gotten gas at in months. I pulled in behind this younger guy and happen to hear something that wasn’t even said and started up a conversation with him. 

I gave thanks for being able to share that information as who knows if something I said tonight would perhaps change those men’s lives. The fact that I happened to be so tired this morning and not be able to go back to sleep and to look up that information today and then have those experiences, I don’t think it was an accident.

Isn't it amazing how God can use our 

lives to bless others. 

I hope you have a blessed day!

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