
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Happy Valentines Day - Lovely Valentine Song

Happy Valentines Day Friends! I am glad to share this cute video of my grandchildren wishing a Happy V A L E N T I N E S Day! 

I don't share about my grandchildren much on my channel trying to keep them safe, but their mom sent this video and said I could share it with you all! I feel so blessed to have such cute grandchildren! I am so lucky to have such cute Valentines in my world!

I was able to send each of my girls and grand-children a Valentine treat which they all got safely in the mail. Last year, I sent them at least a week ahead and they got them in one day. I wanted to be sure that they got them by today, so I sent them Thursday I think. 

I was surprised when Princess Four got hers in a different state by the next night! Princess One also said she got hers the next day! I called all my girls today to wish them a Happy Valentines day and they all verified that they received them. I was able to let a few know that they needed to check their mailboxes and Princess Five found hers this evening! 

I had a sweet friend drop off a card and some cute heart earrings and several people text me wishing me a Happy Valentines Day. But, by far, getting to video chat my grand-kids was the highlight of my day! Being a grandma is the best! 

I hope you had a beautiful and Happy Valentines Day!

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