
Monday, February 28, 2022

14 Karat Gold Pin and Sterling Necklace in a $10 bag


I am so excited that there are two new people working at the local thrift store! I have talked to both women and last week twice, they brought out jewelry while I was there and both asked me if I would like to look at the bags of jewelry before they put them in the display case. 

One lady asked me specifically what I like and am looking for and said she could bag them all differently and asked my opinion on how they could be bagged to work for the store as lots of the bags hadn't sold. 

I shared that the watches and sea shell lays have been bagged individually by group in the past so that people who are looking for watches will buy them. I also shared that the larger bags are now half what they used to be for the same price so I would love if they would fill up the bags a bit more. 

Every bag there had al least one piece of silver, but I don't want to pay $25 for one piece of silver, however, they had one smaller bag for $10 which had a silver necklace wrapped around several pins and there were some Disney pins and Olympic pins so I figured for the $10 I could sell some of the pins and then the silver itself was worth $10. Its a nice heavy chain. 

I did see a pin in my quick look that looked to be gold, but I didn't have time to get into the bag at the store. When I got to that pin, the clasp wasn't expensive so I thought maybe it was gold filled. But, it is 14 Karat gold. I had to do some studying up on the pin. It is a men's organization out of CA. 

I couldn't find another like it anywhere on any search and by the clasp, I think it is quite old. So, the bag was really worth the $10 I paid. 

I am so happy that things are starting to look up on the jewelry front. I was also able to get 2 silver bracelets and some large silver clip on earrings at the other thrift store in town for $0.50 each. All good buys. 

Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 25, 2022

A New Doctor from an Old Doctor

I shared recently about visiting a Dr. and he was very young, and I really felt that he wasn't able to look at my issues and resolve them. When I had some test that came back abnormal, I never heard back from him, and he never talked to me about coming back other than sharing we couldn't deal with everything I brought up in one visit. I found that interesting because I felt like my new Dr. was able to deal with all my issues in one visit.

I used to work with a Dr. that has an office near me, but since he is older, they don't usually take new patients. I saw him seven years ago or so for one visit, but went with another Dr. I knew better. 

Having had such a bad experience with the younger Dr. and finding out that the one I thought I was actually going to when I met with the younger Dr. wasn't taking new patients, I called this other Dr. I worked with and they said they needed to see if he will see me as every practitioner in their office is booked and needs to OK any new patients. 

I got a call back a few days later saying that the Dr. would see me. I was THRILLED when he was able to schedule me in a week. 

On the day of my appointment, I woke to about a foot of snow. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get out of my street because my car is light and doesn't do well in the snow. I had a back up person to come get me in their truck if I couldn't get out of the street. Once out, the other streets are plowed, and I was able to get to his office. The parking lot was really snowy, but I figured I could walk home if I got stuck trying to get out. I was thrilled that I was able to get out easily as the sun came out and started melting the snow. 

I was so impressed with the fact I didn't even get to finish my paperwork before I was called into the office. The nurse got the preliminary intake done quickly and I was only in the office for maybe 2 minutes before the Dr. was in to meet with me. The other Dr. had me waiting in the waiting room and the smaller exam room for a longer time. 

The Dr. was very attentive and addressed every issues I brought up. He brought up my labs and ordered follow up tests for the abnormal results. He ordered a pulmonary function test as I shared my lungs feel worse than the last PFT and ordered some liver tests. 

He gave me a prescription for a different thyroid medication and I am really excited to see if it can help me not be so tired. He then brought up my headaches and I hadn't even talked to him about them, so I think he was great for bringing them up from my intake. He told me about three or four medications and talked about the side effects as some can cause liver problems. He also addressed that if I am having a headache, I would likely throw it up, so he got me sublingual migraine medication and gave me two boxes of trial packets so I can see if they will work before getting a prescription. 

He did something I LOVED because I just realized my love language last week or so is feeling heard. He would ask a question, and then tell me he understood or said, "I hear you" or would make a validation comment like, "I believe that that may be something you could have an issue with" when I talked about having a fatty liver. He didn't tell me "Your eyes aren't bad" or ignored my migraines and giving me anti-nausea meds rather than something that will help with the pain causing the nausea. 

He said that he wanted to see me again after all the labs and tests had been done to review how they went and address if the thyroid medication is working and see if I tried the migraine medication. 

I was SO excited to know that he wasn't leaving me hanging as the other Dr. ran tests, never called about the results and didn't give me a time frame to meet back or review my tests. 

I didn't feel that the visit was rushed, he addressed all my issues, he addressed EACH issue, and when I was leaving and scheduling my next appointment, he said to the woman scheduling me for next month, "Yes, please take care of her." 

I really felt very well taken care of, and was super excited to try the thyroid medications and the migraine meds. 

I have been on the thyroid meds for two days and don't know that I see anything yet, but the paperwork said it could take over a month to see benefits. I thought it was interesting to see that the paperwork also said to not take the medication to lose weight. I laughed and thought, I hope it does help me lose weight but even more, I don't want to be so tired all the time. 

I don't think I could have been happier with the visit. I feel like the burdens of my health issues were like the snow. Like they have me worried I wouldn't get through them just like the snow. We need the snow and moisture, and I feel like God has given me these health burdens to grow and learn so I can see the benefits of each. Then I come out of the appointment and the snow is melting, the sun is shining and I took my jacket off as it had warmed up. I felt like I was brighter coming out of the office and the burdens were melting off just knowing I had hope of trying to figure out what can help the problems.  

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Using Sharkbite or Aqualock to Repair Pipe / Fittings on Trailer

I was working on replacing a bi-pass valve on my trailer water heater and kinked the tube while trying to put the new valve on. 

I was worried that if I tried to repair it the same as what it was before I started, I would kink the tubing again and have to replace even more of the piping. 

I went to the trailer supply store in town and told them of my dilemma and they told me of a product they sell that is a push in and lock fitting to fix the problem in straight fittings or elbows and in several different diameters! 

I used it in my trailer and it saved me so much work!!! It was amazing! I was able to fix the pipe with a push and pull out lock fitting. 

I was at a party a few days later, and my brothers were talking about a water problem on my fathers waterline in his motor home. I mentioned the part I bought called Aqualock, and my brother-in-law said, "Oh like Sharkbites!" I had never heard of any of these products, but he said he used them all the time in his trailer. My dad bought the straight sharkbite repair part and it worked great. 

The part I used was a swivel elbow 1/2 inch thread down to 3/8 inch push repair. 

I then share in the video how to replace the hot water heater drain valve. I used a dremel the first time to drill out the brass drain and had to be careful to not damage the threads on the drain itself. 

I also share how I buy used or clearance black out blinds and take them to be cut to size. 

 I am grateful to the workers at the trailer part store who made my life so much easier by sharing about the push fix parts.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

$20 Grab Bag with LOTS of 14 Karat Gold and Sterling Silver as Well

 Last year just after Valentines Day, I got a few bags of Jewelry. My grand-daughter was having a "princess ball" and due to COVID, it was canceled. 

They asked everyone to dress up and join them in an online dance party. Several of the aunts and uncles and other cousins joined in the dance party. 

I decided to go all out and dressed up in what I could as a princess and enjoyed her dance party.
I figured while I was dressed up, I would do a few jewelry videos. I can't tell you how many jewelry videos I made that never got posted. 

Every so often, I go back and look at some of my videos that haven't been posted and realized I have LOTS of videos on all sorts of things that haven't been posted yet. Some haven't been uploaded, some have been uploaded and just not posted. 

When I looked at this video, I was kinda sad it didn't get posted as it had LOTS of 14 Karat gold that is actually pretty and wearable, as well as some sterling silver and some gold plated silver. 

The nice thing is that it was only $20 for the entire bag. After that, the price went up and the bags had less in them and there was never anything of value in them. For an entire year there was nothing in any bags so I was happy to find some recently now that she has left the store. 

I think she dug through what was there so it may take some time for new items to be donated as the bags they have brought out recently since she left have been fairly junky. 

This bag had at least four bigger pieces of 14 Karat Gold and 2 pieces of sterling silver. What a fun bag for $20. 

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

I Finally Found My Love Language - It's NOT one of the Five Known Languages

I have always wondered what my primary love language is as none of them seem to be greater than any other and I am always giving or doing things for others from all the love languages, and enjoy receiving from the five love languages, but have always been kind of indifferent about them. I love foot rubs but it is more about foot pain for me. If I want something, I usually buy it so gifts are not my main language. I enjoy time with my family, and enjoy notes and cards, but none of them stand out more than another for me. 

I had a realization this week after writing a guy back and forth on a dating site. I asked the guy what his favorite gift in his whole life had been. 

I don’t remember what he said his was, as I was writing a few different people, but he asked me the same question and it took me a long time to figure out what my favorite gift was. 

I told him that being a middle child from a family of 8 and being middle class, we didn’t get many name brand items, yet our cousins were wealthy and would always get name brand items. 

We would always take our favorite Christmas gifts to my Grandmothers who would give my parents money for the holidays to buy us presents. We would take the gifts to show her what her money bought. I was insecure about always getting used or non-name brand items. 

One year, my parents got me exactly what I asked for, a new Sony boombox and a new Mother Karen ski jacket. It wasn’t the gift I got that meant so much, it was that I felt heard. They listened to what I wanted. There weren't many times that I felt heard growing up.

I told the guy online that situation and had the realization that my love language is "being heard or listened to" as being the middle child of 8, I rarely had people listen to me. 

I then realized that three of my closest and dearest friends for the past few years are all people who just listen and love me. They never try to tell me what I should do, or how to do it, or try to fix it or tell me how I did something wrong in how I reacted or dealt with situations. They don’t judge me but just listen and show sympathy about what I am sharing. Living alone, I don't have someone to visit with at home, so I should have figured this out sooner, but I am just grateful I now know.

I feel happy to figure out what my love language is as it explains so much about my life. In researching, there is a "7" love language out there that has communication as one of the love languages which would cover my language in some ways, but it really isn't about communicating back and forth, it is just being validated by someone listening to my thoughts and feelings and there really doesn't have to be much back and forth, it is them just intently listening to me.

A therapist or uninvolved person wouldn't work as they don't genuinely care about me, so there is some component to the person really caring as well, so it is being listened to and cared about, not that they have to do anything other than listen, but I know they care.

Pondering on this for the past few days, I have realized that my mothers love language was also being heard. She spent years sharing her stories being a motivational speaker and recording tapes telling stories and sharing her feelings on things. I have listened and digitized hundreds of tapes of many types, and still have 190 cassette tapes to listen and see if anything on them is worth recording digitally. 

On one of these tapes, she shares that she tapes things because she is worried that no one will know the stories of her life as her kids aren't interested in listening and she and my father were going through a divorce about that time and hadn't communicated well for years. We didn't listen to her as we were raised in a home where communication wasn't honored or expressed well.

I realized that she just didn't feel heard as well. It really explains so much. I wish I had known that information before she passed away so I could show her I loved her in her own love language. I had tried for years to figure out her love language but she, like me, were a bit indifferent to most of them. We would do acts of service, give gifts, write notes, spend time, etc but nothing ever seemed to get through. I understand her now figuring this out!

Anyway, I am forever grateful to the guy online for helping me figure out my love language. It will help me in the future. I am grateful to know myself better! 

Have a blessed day!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Great Furniture Finds at Thrift Stores

I found a great buy at a thrift store this week. As I arrived, they were bringing out a wooden shaker / farmhouse table and six solid wood chairs for $100! 

I texted these photos to my sister whose daughters both moved recently. I paid $100 for my front dining room table and chairs but had to refinished and paint them. 

This table and chairs is SOLID and heavy. They don't need any work and that is less than $15 a piece. I love when you can find deals like that. The chair seats need new covers but that could be done in an hour or  two. 

When you need new furniture, check your local thrift stores, classifieds, or yard-sale sites. There are good deals to be found! 

Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Another Jewelry Bag Video - Hoping For More Soon

I am so excited that the lady working at the thrift store retired and isn't working there anymore.  

The manager told me they have lots of jewelry and that they will be putting more out soon and are bagging it right now! 

It will be interesting to see if the bags have more gold and silver now that she isn't around. I already got one bag with silver and gold since she left so I am hoping things will be more exciting now! 

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thinking of Others Makes Your Holiday Better

I was headed into do some shopping the other day and was met at the front of the store with a heavenly smell!

All the Valentine flowers were lined up near the door and the beautiful colors and smells greeted every shopper. 

The colors of roses was fabulous and I thought I should buy some for myself since I don't have a valentine. However, that isn't who I am. I have always tried to think of others on holidays as it keeps me from feeling sorry for myself and brings joy to others.  

Here is a link to my video about going to sing at the old folks home years ago instead of feeling sorry for myself when the kids went with their dad. 

I also got flowers and a fruit basket recently from, people who thought of me, so I figured I wanted to pay it forward. I have always chosen to do service when I start to feel sorry for myself, so I thought, "Who needs flowers more than I do this Valentines Day? 

I have a friend whose daughter who is a nurse and has two young children is going through a divorce. I thought how dear this friend is to me and about how scared her daughter must be going through all this and around Valentines Day. 

I sent my friend a venmo with a note to buy her daughter some flowers and also texted her about it. I have been praying for her and stressed for all that she is going through as I truly understand having babies in diapers and going through that. I shared with my friend what a blessing having her be able to help her daughter is as I had older kids to help me. Texting her opened up a door for her to ask me some questions about divorce that she may not be able to ask any others.

I didn't send a lot of money, but was glad that I could send something. I love this friend and she has always been so thoughtful to me. I feel very blessed to know her. 

I also had a cousin text me and invite me to a virtual movie and sent me the nicest text. I felt so loved. There have been so many people being so kind to me through Christmas and my covid and illness. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we can get to a point where we all have enough to just do kind things for people all the time!  

It was a wonderful holiday and it reinforced that I always get more out of giving than receiving. 

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

God Giving Me Information and Placing Me Where It Was Needed

This morning I woke and I couldn't get back to sleep. I decided to search how much radiation I am getting from the radon levels in my home and compare it to smoking cigarettes to see what damage is happening due to radiation. I fell back to sleep and later in the day something interesting happened with the information I found. 

I had a weird experience at the gas station on the way home from Walmart. It was much later than I am usually out since I took so long at Walmart buying things for a project I am working on for next Christmas. 

I pulled in right behind a car and there was a truck at the opposite pump. The man from the other pump was talking to his friend and looked over and saw the guy at the pump in front of me and said to the guy in front of me, “Hey, are you going to "the town where Princess One lives?” or so I thought. I asked him if he was going to "a town where Princess One lives?"And he said, “No, he asked if I was going to ? a burner – smoke a cigarette.” I laughed and was washing my front windows and told him I thought he said going to "the town where Princess One lives." and was going to offer him gas money to take something up to my daughter.” He laughed and said he would take them if he was going. 

I then asked if I could share something I learned today about cigarettes? He said “Sure. I’m guessing its bad.” I told him that I have some lung damage and that I have found and tested radon in my home. I told him I was researching today that Radon gas comes up from the ground and because tobacco leaves are sticky the radiation sticks to the leaves. When a person lights up the cigarette it activates the radiation on the leaves and the person smoking it inhales some of that as well as passing some on to those around them. 

When they did studies specifically about how much radiation the people get per cigarette and found in the tissue of passed on smokers, the radiation gets stuck in the bronchial and that this is where most of the lung cancers seem to set up, so they can’t make a correlation for sure that the radiation plays a part in the cancer, but believe it probably contributes to it. The man seemed to really absorb what I was telling him. I asked if he wanted me to send him the information and he said he could look it up. I told him there were only two studies that I could find on that specific information so he should be able to find it. 

He finished gassing up and walked over in front of the store part and the other guys were over there already smoking. I don’t know how the conversation started over there, but I overheard this man telling the other two men smoking about the sticky leaves, radon and radiation in the cigarettes. I took a picture in my side mirror when I was leaving of the men smoking as I pulled out because I felt like God put me in that situation right then as I just looked up that information this morning. 

I am not usually out that late and wouldn't usually start a conversation at the gas station. I found a penny on my way out of Walmart to head to get gas. I even thought of getting gas tomorrow at the normal gas station I go to for gas. I went to this place I haven’t gotten gas at in months. I pulled in behind this younger guy and happen to hear something that wasn’t even said and started up a conversation with him. 

I gave thanks for being able to share that information as who knows if something I said tonight would perhaps change those men’s lives. The fact that I happened to be so tired this morning and not be able to go back to sleep and to look up that information today and then have those experiences, I don’t think it was an accident.

Isn't it amazing how God can use our 

lives to bless others. 

I hope you have a blessed day!