
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Working on a New Gratitude Frame

I just had the weirdest experience. I started writing my post for the day. I wrote the title and put my first sentence down for the post and then went to search how long it has been since I last worked on my Gratitude Frames. I searched my blog and it was EXACTLY FOUR YEARS TO THE DAY since posting about my last gratitude frame!

Here is a link to that post from four years ago. What are the odds that I would pull out all the stuff I have been collecting for four years to put them into a frame EXACTLY FOUR YEAR TO THE DAY? 

So wild. I wasn't feeling all that well and decided I wanted to get something done as I had been sitting and doing nothing feeling so tired. I pulled out the bag of things I had been collecting and started cutting them up and gluing them together. 

I usually don't let it go this long before putting them together. I have so many blessings that I kept little mementos from so that I could share them on a new Gratitude Frame. They remind me of how blessed I am constantly. 

I have so much saved up that I may even need to start my fifth frame. It is going to be nice to get it finished as I have wanted to work on it for a bit now. 

I usually put together little reminders and usually try and write a date on it and who I was with at the time of the event. Many fortunes from meals with my family or friends and I find it interesting how sometimes the fortunes match the event we were going to or things that were going on at the time of the fortune. 

I have so many names and signatures of people I got thank you notes from or cards with gifts I have received. I have little notes from my girls, things off tickets I won or stubs from events I've attended.

I am so blessed that I have so many frames packed with things I have been blessed with!

Have a Blessed Day!

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