
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Door To Door Sales - Good and Bad

Lately, there have been a plethora of door-to-door salesmen in our neighborhood. 

I was resting on a recliner in the front room of my home when a somewhat beat car pulled up and parked across the street from my home. A guy that looked sketchy climbed out with a clipboard and approached my home. 

All I could think was I was getting served with some legal papers, but that is usually an off duty officer in uniform, so then I thought maybe he was selling something, but even then, I couldn't imagine what he would be selling dressed as he was. 

He knocked and I thought about not opening it, but I was in a chair in front of the window so figured he may have seen me. I answered the door and he told me he was a "neighbor" living in the neighborhood. I did recognize his parents name, but had never seen him before. 

He asked if I wanted to hear about solar panels on my home but when he opened his mouth a bit wider on some words, I could see that he had a word tattooed on the tops of his teeth! I thought that was super creepy and I found myself stepping back as he stood close to the door on the porch. It was quite disturbing and thought that I didn't feel comfortable with him in the house alone with me even if I did want solar on my home.

The next afternoon, I had just gotten out of the shower, and still had my hair wrapped in a towel when there was a knock at my door. I opened the door as there was a man in a construction lime green jacket who was on my porch with a lanyard on his neck. I thought maybe it was gas or power needing access to my back yard as that has happened many times over the year. 

He introduced himself and had stepped back onto the top stair which put me more at ease. He then introduced his friend who was standing about 10 feet back on the sidewalk. He then said he had met with my neighbor who he said by name about putting solar panels on their home. He then asked what my monthly power bills were and that they could put them on my home with no cost to me.

The sales pitch lasted for about 2 minutes until I told him my power bills and how my house is brick with triple pane windows. He said it wouldn't be cost effective for me to do it then. 

They then left walking to the middle of the street looking at their phone in the street for a minute. I am sure they were looking at the names of the next home and I am sure they used my name to get a conversation going at the next home. 

As they left, I thought about the difference between the two different companies and the salesmen that approached me. 

Them giving me space at the door. Them wearing a "uniform" so bright you could see them clearly so I would be at ease that a neighbor would have seen them in the street and that also put me at ease thinking a murderer or thief would be more dressed like the first salesman that came. 

Them having lanyards with the company name on it. They parked their nice car in front of an empty lot on the street instead of someones home and the car didn't make you look twice. They came in twos, but stood back with one nearer the street so you didn't feel like they were going to rush you at the door. 

Using the neighbors name, not that I like that tactic, but it does make them seem neighborly. Being dressed well, but not over dressed with a nice haircut and shave. 

Not that any of those things can't be faked and Ted Bundy looked like a normal nice guy, but there was such a contrast between the two that it make me recognize how much power a first impression can have. It is worth taking notice how much control we have to make a good impression when meeting others.

Have a Blessed Day!

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