
Monday, January 24, 2022

Sweet Friend Sent Flowers - Feeling Blessed

I had a bit of a stressful day the other day. I was on a call with a friend about a situation I have been dealing with  for a few months and am trying to figure out how best to handle things. I had just come to the realization that I have done everything I can and now I just need to leave the situation in Gods hands and was telling my friend on the phone that she also needs to let it go as well as we both have given everything we can to the situation and now we just need to trust God to deal with it. 

I was just about to hang up the phone with her when there was someone at my door. I opened the door and there was a flower delivery! 

I waved at the driver who was back at his car, and brought them inside. I teared up thinking that God had prompted someone to send me flowers just when I needed them, to know that I had done what I could for the situation and then to trust Him to take care of the rest. 

When I opened the box thinking it was from one of my girls as they are the only ones to have sent me flowers in years, I was really taken back by who sent them. I have known this person since he was a child and was really good friends with his father. He found one of my videos on YouTube by chance and reached out and we have reconnected in the past year. 

He has been so sweet to check in on me and he has been busy with his family but we text every so often just touching base. 

I cried as they were so beautiful and thoughtful. Since I am not feeling well for so long and other stressful stuff recently, it was just nice to know that someone was thinking about me and caring how I was . I am so blessed as I have so many kind friends and family members who do care, but I know that God sends someone to us all when we are in need. 

I am grateful to this friend for listening and being willing to do kind things when needed. I was pondering about how kindness comes full circle. I was kind to this person and his family when they were in need, and now, he's taking care of others as well as me when I was in need. 

I am very blessed! I hope you are as well.

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