
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Two Great Finds - Serger and Bosch

I went to a few thrift stores recently and I think just after Christmas is a great time to find some good items. 

I spent more in one day than I spent in months. All new things that I guess people may have gotten for Christmas and not wanted. I found a new king sized down comforter for $30. Lots of games and personal items new the packages. 

Today, I found a serger sewing machine for $15 and a Bosch mixer for $30 and both are worth much more. The Bosch looks new.

I have been fighting a major migraine all day but had to run some errands so stopped at both thrift stores in town and was feeling blessed to get some good finds at both. 

I hope I can feel better and get working on the quilt tomorrow. Have a blessed day!

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