
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Half Through Cutting The Quilt - Princess for a Princess

I have been working all night several nights and getting a few hours sleep in the early mornings trying to get this quilt I am working on done. 

I have collected so many DVD's that I have been waiting to watch while I work on quilts. I had a  friend let me take anything I wanted from her going out of business video rental store. I got hundreds of dvd's and so many are really bad story lines or acting that I can't get through them. They are movies NO ONE has ever heard of. I actually have thrown away many as they are so bad that I can't even give them away. 

They are entertaining me and I am getting through quite a few of the movies but I won't be keeping any of the ones I have watched so far. 

So today I finished cutting the last rows into the height size, and spent most of the night cutting down the width sizes and finished 3 of the six rows on the quilt. I just have three more rows to cut down to fit width wise. 

It feels good to be doing something productive. I enjoy making quilts and using my creativity. I know my Grand-Princess is going to LOVE it! I can hear her giggling now! 

Have a blessed day!

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