
Friday, January 7, 2022

Grand-Princess One Losing Teeth at Christmas

 When I went to visit my grandchildren in November, Grand-Princess One had a really loose front tooth. 

Her adult tooth was growing in behind the tooth and I told her how I pull them out but she wanted to pull it out on her own. I was worried with how the adult tooth was growing in so far behind the baby tooth and worried it may not come in right. 

She didn't want me to pull it but a few days after I left, it came out and she was so happy to have it out finally. Her adult tooth was moving forward well and the other front upper tooth was now really loose. She came for Christmas and it was so loose. 

She kept playing with it and felt that she didn't want help pulling it out. I have a great way using tea tree oil and a paper towel that I blogged about here. 

I know she really wanted it out but I wasn't going to push. I was kissing her goodnight and having some "dessert" as I nibble their necks sometimes saying I am hungry for dessert as they are so sweet, and she was giggling with her mouth open and pulled her head down to protect her neck and her loose tooth caught on my pocket button and popped the tooth out of her mouth. She did a little yelp and sat on the ground with her mouth open and eyes wide! She reached up for the tooth and it wasn't there. 

I looked around and it was on the carpet. She started laughing and I started laughing and we both couldn't believe that her tooth was pulled out by a shirt button! What are the odds on that happening? Not much I am sure. 

She said it didn't hurt but just startled her. You can see there wasn't any root left on the tooth and I was surprised it had stayed in her mouth for so long. 

It was a fun addition to the holiday and we packaged up the tooth for special delivery to the tooth fairy when she got home! 

Have a blessed day!

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