
Friday, January 28, 2022

Most Bunkos and a Bonus Surprise

We finally started our Bunko group back up after stopping during COVID. We have not been able to get everyone there since starting up a few months back. 

We had one of our group that was an original member move last year and we haven't replaced her. We have tried to move nights around hoping to get more people to be able to attend, but it doesn't seem to matter what we try, we just haven't been able to get everyone back. 

Tonight, we were able to get 7 of the 11 current members there. We had an added bonus as the host's daughter was in town that we don't get to see very often. She was one of Princess Four's best friends! I enjoyed visiting with her so much. It was lovely to get updates on her marriage and life. 

I was in shock when I won most Bunkos as it has been a LONG time since I won the biggest prize! I was able to pick from her great prizes and got a lovely blanket. 

Another bonus for the night, her son is gluten free and I was able to get a great meal as well. It was a wonderful day! I got to speak to my friend that sent flowers last week and catch up again and I got to visit with other friends as well. I am so glad I was able to catch up with people. 

Have a blessed day!

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