
Monday, January 31, 2022

Covid Omicron Hit Hard

Friday night I started not feeling well. I have had mild covid symptoms for two weeks. I didn't have major symptoms and thought since I had my first bout not that long ago, maybe I just lucked out not getting Omicron bad. 

Friday, I had stomach cramps, loose bowels, a massive headache, then fever and chills. I had my heating mattress cover on HIGH all night and I have never done that. I usually get hot and turn it off. I couldn't get warm. I just kept shivering.

I did not get out of bed other than to take pills every four hours and get a drink on Saturday.

Sunday, I opened a can of soup heated it in the microwave and the same. A friend dropped off a pizza but I was too tired to do anything with it. I took more pills, slept and had lots of body pain. 

I missed posting for today as I was still sleeping. I hope you had a blessed day!


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