
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Friends with COVID


My daughter contacted me today letting me know that one of my dearest friends posted that she has COVID. 

I thanked my daughter for letting me know and then called my friend leaving a voice mail telling her to let me know if she needed anything. However, I know that when I had covid I didn't look at my phone much as I was sleeping tons. 

I decided to drop off some flowers to her home as she has lots of children and family living in the area and I know if she needed food or something, she would call them before me. 

I took some Gerber Daisies over to her house and as I was going to the door, I could hear the piano playing and wondered why as I knew she wouldn't have piano students having COVID. I knocked on the window when I saw her sitting at the piano and scared her accidentally. ha ha. 

She then opened the window a sliver and we had a great visit for about a half an hour through the window. It was weird as I couldn't see her well as I could mostly just see my reflection in the window. 

If I stood on tippy toes, I could see her face through my reflection and it was kinda funny visiting with her that way as I felt like I was talking to myself. 

She moved into the house this past year and is working on her yard so I told her she could plant the Gerbers in her yard when it gets warmer. She also said she was feeling better and was practicing the piano to play at church on Sunday. She has moved out of our congregation, so we are excited as she will be playing at our church this week! I love this woman so much and am glad to be able to hear her use her talents on Sunday as well as the fact that she is feeling better! 

I was able to give her some advice on cleaning out the gunk in her lungs and chest. She was really cute telling me how much I have helped her and her family over the years with my medical advice. 

I loved that she shared that with me. I also love that she is feeling better. Her husband who also has COVID but has different symptoms came in and said "hello" for a second. We made an appointment to go to visit one of our temples in a month. It will be nice to get to visit with them. 

Have a blessed day!

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