
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Creative Barbie Clothes Idea - Socks - Who Knew


I was shopping at a thrift store the other day and laughed and laughed when I found this Barbie. 

I wonder what creative soul came up with this idea? The fact that everyone has solo socks that have lost their match around the house, this gives you a way to use the solo sock! 

Also, so many times the barbie clothes get lost or ripped or fall apart as the new ones are not made as well, so it just is amazing that someone was so creative and you could dress a bunch of barbies in just a few minutes! 

So, they took a footie / no show sock. They made the ankle hole the top of the dress where the head goes.
They took scissors to the bottom toe end of the sock and just cut off the toe for the bottom of the dress. You can make the dress as short or long as you want it to be. 

They then just snipped little holes on either side of the ankle hole to slip the arms into. When putting it on, just make sure the heel bump goes toward the back.

It reminds me of the time I posted about someone who made clothes for the Barbie using Duct / Duck tape. Here is a link to that post. I had a funny situation where a TV show contacted me asking if they could use my photo on a show they were doing on things you can use Duck Tape for, and they liked the post. I had to sign a waiver for them to use my photo. 

I thought I would post this for those busy mom's who want their kids to be able to make their own barbie clothes without needing to sew! 

Have a blessed day!

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