
Thursday, December 9, 2021

In God We Trust - Just Over 11 Years

I made my first post about "In God We Trust" just over 11 years ago this last month. Here is a link to that post!

I started picking up coins after having the realization that they have "God" on them and how we should respect HIS name by not allowing coins to stay on the ground. 

From that point on, I have always picked up coins off the ground and put them in a "FOUND MONEY" container and in those 11 years, I have just under $175 that I am saving to use for charity at some point in the future. 

I can go for months and not find any coins, and then I can find some daily. It usually has to do with what is going on in my life. After 11 years, I can safely say there is a pattern of coins showing up when I need a reminder that things are going to be OK and that I do need to trust in God when I am in those situations. 

It seems like I usually end up counting the found coins / money for the year towards the end of the year. Probably because I can't be out working in the yard as much once it is cold. 

I was getting out of the car and headed into a store today when I came around the car to head in, I saw coins on the ground. There were 2 dimes and a nickle on the ground just outside the passenger side of the car. 

I picked them up and then used sanitizer I have clipped on my purse. I then went to the grocery store and there were three coins on the ground at the self checkout. I picked them up and put them into the "penny give and take" sharing with the worker how I always pick up coins as I don't think they should be on the ground since they have God's name on them. He looked a bit shocked at first until it sunk in and then he kind of nodded his head in agreement. 

I came home with the few coins and knowing that the grandchildren are coming to my home soon, I thought I had better count them out. I had forgotten that when they came to visit last time, I put the coins in a baggie to put them up so they couldn't get to them and so I had that little bag to count and add as well.

I had over $12 in found money this past year. It amazes me that I could find so much money in those 11 years. That breaks down to over $15 a year in found money. Granted that $15 is a huge amount, but it is amazing to me the different places I have found money and how many times I found it just when I was under so much stress. God is amazing to have blessed me in so many times in my crazy life. I have been reminded over and over to trust in HIM. 

I feel very blessed to have that many reminders to trust Him. I hope you are so blessed and can find yourself LOTS of coins to remember to TRUST in HIM! 

Have a Blessed day!

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