
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Church Christmas Party Blessings

I was able to go to my church Christmas Party tonight. It was lovely having the teens sing carols while the primary age children did a nativity. 

I had a great visit with friends and their family members who came home for a visit and it was good to catch up with them. 

I met a few people I had not met yet who have moved in recently. It was nice to get out like before Covid. There were about half of what we used to have attending. I was able to make some plates for some who have health issues and didn't come. 

I ended up with 3/4 of a large pan of garlic mashed potatoes and 1/4 pan of roast beef and a bucket of gravy. I am going to freeze it for when the girls come home over the holiday. 

I returned the caterers pans and packaged up some smaller containers for me to eat this week.  

I also got to have a long visit with Princess One today, talked with Princess Three, four, and five on the phone today. It was a nice day! 

Have a blessed day! 


  1. Hi. I have been having terrible symptoms for over a year now. Since the beginning I suspected a parasite as I have had scabies as well as intestin

  2. I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with something. Isn't it crazy how many things we DON'T know about in this world!? I pray we can all get feeling better soon! Have a blessed day!
