
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

A BLACK Out - Really Black

I had a weird experience today. About 7 p.m. everything went BLACK. When I say BLACK, I mean, BLACK. 
Usually when the power goes out, there are some outside lights on in either direction. I live right on a line where power splits for one side of the neighborhood and another power line for the other side of the neighborhood. 

If the power goes out, I have little lights that go on the door knob and they come on with movement. I was in the kitchen and I have windows on both ends of that room and when the lights went out, it was black. I couldn't see anything in front of me. I used my phone to go into the front room and a neighbor came down the street and pulled into her home drive but the house was black and obviously the garage door wouldn't open. I took a picture of the car and showing how dark it is around it. 

I then went to the back door and the light on the knob came on as even with my phone it was black. I opened the back door and the only thing I could see was my back neighbors using their phone looking out their back door. ha ha. 

I took a photo of that as well and then decided to just sit down and wait it out as I have never seen it so dark. There were clouds low in the sky but with no light to reflect off them, it was just black. 

Thank heavens it didn't last for very long. It really made me think how grateful I am for light in my life! Of course, I am grateful that I had a phone so I could get around, but it really made me think how things would be if we didn't have electricity. Living in the middle of nowhere, it really could be an life situation to be without power for some time if there were a big earthquake or something. 

How blessed we are to live in a day where we have so many things to make our lives easier. 

Have a blessed day!

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