
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A White Christmas Jewel - Princess Four Is a Hidden Gem

We took a road trip this weekend for a specific event. Princess Four had her on stage debut other than one high school play. 

She moved out to a different state, took a new job, moved away from her sister, moved from her friends, church congregation, and for some reason, she decided to try out for a play. She wanted something to help her make friend, and something to give her a break from the stress of opening a new store. 

The only play she had really had a speaking part in during her life was as a clown in an obscure weird play in high school linked here. I figured she may be overdoing it by trying out with all the things she has going on, but when she went to try out, the people had her sing her song three times. The first time, she did actions. The second time he told her to just stand there and sing it. The third time, he told her to just move her hand more naturally than trying to tell a story with her hands. 

She was used to doing show choir where they danced when they sang, so that was more of what she was giving them, and they wanted more musical theater. She said she told them she was just trying out for the ensemble.

She was stunned when she got a speaking minor roll. Everyone thought she had been involved in musical theater as she was a natural on stage. 

We drove the long trek praying for good weather as we really wanted to be there to support her. Knowing she wouldn't have friends around to support her, I was SO grateful the bosses of her company and a few workers from her old store made the long drive to see her on opening night! I was very impressed with them supporting her.

We got to spend the day with her seeing her new store, eating lunch at a fabulous Thai place, did a bit of shopping, and then the highlight of the day, Princess Four in the play "White Christmas!"

I was SO excited to see her in the play! I wasn't sure what to expect with her as I have never seen her in anything other than the clown play, so my expectations weren't really high. I was BLOWN away by her presence on stage!

I didn't have one suggestion of what she could have done better. I am a detailed oriented person, and I usually have some suggestions as to what would make the performance better, but I only had good things to say! She was amazing! I LOVED seeing her using her talents singing and dancing! 

She just came alive on stage and it made me wish that maybe she had done more theater in high school, but she was so busy with student body positions, drill team, choirs, and leadership roles, that she really didn't have time for much more. 

I hope that this is a beginning of a new way for her to express herself and bring joy to others at the same time! 

The show is sold out and is a dinner theater, so it is keeping her busy through the last performance on December 23rd. I am not sure what she will do to keep her self busy in the new year, but I am looking forward to finding out! 

I have some talented girls! Have a blessed day! 

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