
Monday, December 13, 2021

My Adorable Manager - Princess Four's Store is Beautiful - 111

We took a road trip this past weekend. Princess Two let us drive her beautiful new car and we met up with Princess Five along the way as we traversed another state to visit Princess Four!

Our first stop on the trip was to meet Princess Four at her newly opened discount store. She was in training at another store for months and then was asked to move states and open a new store for the company.

We were able to see her "ribbon cutting" online which was wonderful! One of the owners was at the ribbon cutting and said that her store was the cleanest store in the company at her ribbon cutting, so I was excited to be able to finally see her store. 

When we walked in, I was IMMEDIATELY impressed with the organization on the shelves. I didn't even walk down any isles before pulling my camera out and taking some pictures at how organized it is! 

The isles are wide, the shelves were so organized and each section was clearly defined. It was SO organized. I really understood what the boss was talking about when he said it was the cleanest store.

While we were shopping, if she noticed any item out of place, she immediately put it back into the right spot and would radio to get someone to put out more items if the items on the shelves were low etc. 

I can see that she has a knack for this job. It is interesting how much she has taken to her job and really loves most of her responsibility. The fact that she left her home, friends, boyfriend and sister to move to another state and open a new store shows how much she enjoys her work. 

I ended up spending $100 finding some reversible leather belts for under $10, about 30 gluten free products I like or want to try, some drink mixes I love but don't purchase often due to cost, and some of my favorite protein bars for half the price of normal! Funny, but not funny, many of the items had stickers on them with a 111 on them! My daughters pointed that out to when I put them in the cart for purchase!

It was a win win win going to visit her! I have been enjoying the treats I was able to get and being able to support her in her new store is also a plus. 

Her sisters each found things they were excited about as well! We met about 12 of her employees and they all seemed to enjoy working with her. Who wouldn't? She is such an adorable person. 

I am so grateful she has found a job that she loves so much! What a blessing in life to find something you enjoy doing. It was a great time seeing her in her element! 

Have a blessed day!

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