
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas Has Begun - Hallelujah

Each year our town and surrounding towns all get together and have a joint orchestra and choir to sing the Messiah. It has been going on for at least 17 years until Covid shut it down last year.   

My sister started in singing a few years back, and it was really lovely singing next to her this time. I sang with her last time as well, but her ability and voice has matured and reminded me of my mothers voice. It was nice to be reminded of my mother who was a singer her entire life. 

This year, my good friend started to sing in the Messiah. I also was able to sit next to my best friend in town. I sang with her at the county fair 25 years ago, and she is the reason I live in the house I currently live in. It was fun getting to sing with her again as we sing different parts, so I was doubly blessed to be able to sit with my sister and my best friend and another friend. 

It was a lovely night and I have been singing songs from the Messiah every since. It really got me into the best Christmas spirit ever! 

Handel was amazing and every year when I sing in the Messiah, I am amazed at his talent and ability to put it together. 

Have a blessed day and Christmas!

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