
Friday, October 22, 2021

God Is Good and So Are People

Today I had to go to the post office and mail an item I sold on eBay. After going to the post office, I went to a thrift store. When pulling in, there was an open space right as you pull in and then a truck, and then another space. 

I went to pull into the first open space and I had the thought that I shouldn't park there as someone could pull out backwards and hit my car. I thought, "I don't have that though all the time", so I felt I should listen to that thought.  

Once years ago, I did see a car pull out and back into a car in that spot or the one next to it, so it is something that could happen as it has happened before, however, I have parked in those spots many times since that event. But today, having that thought made me park in the third spot in the lot. 

I was in the store when someone came in and said, "Whoever has a small grey car in the parking lot, someone just hit your car." I was a bit shocked as that thought was maybe five minutes before. I was on a video chat with Princess One and my grandchildren, and another woman came in and told a women in the store that someone just hit her car. My sister was meeting me there as I had something for her and she had something for me and she said she heard the car get hit. 

The lady was NOT happy and went off on the man and since it was on private property, they didn't call the police. He gave her his insurance information and they both left.

I gave gratitude for that inspiration to avoid parking in that spot. The store closed soon after and my sister and I were in the parking lot trading our items for each other, and noticed a man trying to get into his locked car. He wasn't having much luck. My sister called her husband who has ties to the Police and has tools to break into cars. He came and helped open the mans' locked car. 

It was really sweet of him to leave work and come across town to help a stranger. We talked to the man and his truck was broken down in a different town and he borrowed a car and he locked the keys in the borrowed car! 

It was nice seeing others helping people and my sister was sweet asking if the man needed anything else or if she could help in any other way. People are good and God is good! I am so blessed!

Have a blessed day!

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