
Monday, October 25, 2021

Ionized or Hydrogenized Water - God Blesses Me Again

I have taken ionized water in the past at a Dr.'s office and I used to go get containers of water from a woman a few towns over from her Kangen dispenser. When I took if for about 6 months, my cholesterol went down significantly.

I had been doing some research on ionized water as several people suggested it. I just didn't have the funds to purchase a unit. I had taken hydrogen peroxide in water but it is unstable to take  places and sometimes hard to take. 

I was at a second hand store Saterday and saw a ionizer / hydrogenizer pitcher new in the box for $6! I then went to another thrift store, and they had a larger countertop unit for $100. I didn't have time to look it up as I was in a hurry and funds are tight currently, so I didn't purchase that unit. 

I came home and spent many more hours looking up units and the benefits of the different times of units. I read study after study on how the water heals all sorts of things and LOWERS cholesterol! 

I researched comparisons on different ionizers /  and the larger units can be up to $5000. I think I may go back for the larger unit at the other store as it would be nice to have a bigger unit and if it is in good shape, I could also sell it online if I didn't want it.

I then looked up consumer studies on individual ionizing water bottle. They have glass water bottles that have small units in the bottom for less than $100 so you can take it anywhere and have the water at will! 

I watched a very intersting video on a diabetic that had gangrene on both big toes and they were going to cut them off so he left that hospital and went to another he researched that used ionized / hydrogen water to heal diabetic ulcers. They soaked his feet several times a day and he drank five liters of the water daily and was able to heal his feet over a few month period. 

There was a hospital in Japan that gives the water to every sugery patient. I guess it is a common thing in Japan.

I think I may buy an individual water bottle for my girls for Christmas. I have been drining it for a day  and can tell the difference. I am excited to see what it can do over time. It would be SO nice to be able to clean out my fatty liver as I have been praying for something to help detox it so my yellow eyes can go away. 

I don't think it is coincendence that right after praying about what to do I find two different units at TWO different stores. In the 20 plus years I have been shopping thrift stores, I have never seen a water unit EVER. I have found ionizers and ozonators before, but never water units so I feel it is an answer to prayers. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could heal and move on in my life with feeling horrible daily!

Have a blessed day!

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