
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Putting Stuff Online - Cleaning Out Rooms

I spent hours yesterday posting things online as I had some mechanics bills that needed paying along with house insurance and taxes. 

I made enough at my yard sale to pay one of the three bills. I kept out about five boxes from the yard sale that were higher items that didn't sell and took photos of many of them a few weeks back. 

I was finally able to get to it yesterday and it is slow going but I am glad that I am finally getting something off my list. 

I also have boxes of stuff that needs to be organized and put into totes. When I purchase gifts, I stack them in an empty room and I also have boxes of grandma totes that I put in the same room. The boxes of stuff got mixed and I haven't looked at that room since last Christmas or so. 

I know I am going to be working in the yard this weekend planting those flowers I bought, so I want to get working on that room. Princess two helped me organize it some and I hope to get to it soon. 

Have a blessed day!

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