
Friday, October 29, 2021

A Win, Win, Win at Bunko

I am so tired tonight. I have been asleep in the chair for hours. I had Bunko tonight and only 6 of us were able to attend.

I won a cute prize and on my way in, I noticed she had zucchini squash decorating her porch. I asked if she was going to use them and she said she had so many she wasn't going to do anything with them. 

I asked if I could take a big one and use it for muffins, and she said that she would be fine with that. While I was talking to her about it, another friend asked if I wanted a banana squash as her neighbors gave her one and she wasn't going to use it. 

I gave her a ride home and she gave me the squash. And, one of my friends had a wedding card for Princess Three and her husband from this past summer as she said she was so busy in the summer she didn't have time to get it done. 

I was happy with my prize, happy with the zucchini, happy with banana squash, and happy for friends being supportive of my children! 

I wanted to do a short post so I could get to bed, but I was so tired I just kept falling asleep in the chair and waking not knowing what I was needing to do. It was weird I was so tired I was so out of it. 

I hope you have a blessed day!

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