
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Here is a VIDEO Tour of Princess Two's New Honda - Thanks To Friends

I posted in July about Princess Two getting a new car. I uploaded a video of the car back then but didn't take the time to edit and post the video. I had a busy day and didn't get to my blog so I thought I would finally get this video posted and share it here.

Here is a link to my original post about her getting the new car! 

My Second daughter, Princess TWO, as I call her, got a new car recently and I give details and show all the extra amenities on the car. She bought it from some friends who had leased it and decided to get a new one and said they would pay off the car and then sell it to her. 

With COVID, the car is worth more now than it was in 2019 when they leased it. They paid it off and she paid what they are selling cars from 4 years prior with around 50,000 miles on them. These two friends got a new windshield on it as they had a crack in it as well as cleaned it, (not that it needed cleaning) and filled up the gas tank and took it in for a recall fix. After she got it, they checked in with her recently to see how it was going. 

She is SO grateful for these friends who made such a sacrifice to allow her to have the car as they could have sold it for much more to someone else as cars have gone up so much, but they bought a new one to help her out and to bless my life as well as I was able to detail and fix up her old one for her younger sister who needed a car to drive in the snow as hers wasn't in the best condition. 

When I took my younger daughters car to my mechanic, he found that the rear brakes were rusted and weren't working at all and the front ones rotors are bad and the car shimmied when stopping. He said she could have had an accident in the snow with the brakes being so bad, so I am super grateful for Princess Two deciding to get a new car and the miracle around my friends choosing to get a new one right at that time. In the end, Princess Four got the older Pilot and my mechanic fixed her Honda Accord brakes and a few other things so that her car went to Princess Five who was driving a standard car that really doesn't do well in the snow, so in the end, my friends were helping not only one of my daughter get a new car, but THREE of my daughters to get a new car! 

We are blessed to have such good people in our lives and I love that we are becoming a family of Honda owners as we used to have four Suzuki Esteems at one point! Now three own Honda's and I wouldn't say no if I could afford one, as I have always loved Honda's and drove one happily for years! 

Have a blessed day!

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