
Monday, November 1, 2021

Another Missionary Heading Out - Blessed Family

Most of my siblings kids are older now. I only have a few siblings with kids left in high school. Basically my youngest two siblings still have any children at home. 

My youngest sister only has twins left in high school and my youngest brother has six children left in school and his youngest is younger than my second grandchild. 

He married later in life and had a large family. His oldest son recently returned from a mission and the last missionary from our family is returning home in two weeks off his mission! 

With my niece now leaving we will have one missionary now out in the world. I love it when we have missionaries out and get their weekly emails home telling us what is going on with them. 

She is headed to South America and will be speaking Spanish. It is fun that she is going out right as we have the last one coming home from another family. My youngest brothers kids will be leaving every year or two for the next 12 to 14 years and then my siblings and my grandchildren will start heading out as missionaries. 

It is cool that so many of my parents children and grand-
children served as missionaries and service missionaries. 

Another fun thing, is that my siblings are all getting to retirement age and one brother has already served as a missionary in St. Thomas, and they are heading out to South America in the next little while and I have other siblings that plan to serve missions with their spouses as well. 

I love that my family is so service oriented. As people get older and their families also get bigger, it seems harder and harder for us to get together. It was nice that so many of us were able to get together to support my niece and send her off on a mission. I think she will arrive home around the same time her younger brother gets ready to leave. 

Have a blessed day!

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