
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Wind Chimes Made For Loved Ones That Have Passed On

Several years ago, my mother passed away. Here is a link to the post about that. 

When she passed, my bunko friends gave me such a thoughtful gift. They purchased a wind chime that has the tones for "Amazing Grace" on it. They all chipped in on this gift and so many days working in the yard, the wind catches that chime and I immediately remember my mother and how she loved music, singing, and all the memories that go with it! 

Each time it chimes, I am so grateful to my Bunko Friends who were thoughtful enough to purchase that for me. It is so thoughtful and it is the gift that keeps on giving as I think of my mother each time I hear it. Here is the post about that.

Because of how that gift has meant so much to me, I thought I wanted to use that idea and get some wind chimes for my host mother and sister. I looked online and it was hard to find a place that shipped internationally and engraved what I wanted written on it, and also getting it out in a timely manner. 

I tried to use a company in Maine but had a hard time getting a person as it sounded like they did it out of their house and worked limited hours. Also, I was looking at Buoy Bells, but the shipping due to weight and size became an issue as well as the engraving. 

In the end, I was able to find two different wind chimes in my small town! Luckily, I have the worlds best sister, who has an engraving machine, and she and her husband were willing to help me make a wind catcher for the chimes. They allowed me to put what I wanted to say on the wooden wind catcher. 

I had to go to every store in town to find a second wind chime, but I was so grateful that someone suggested a farmer supply store as they had one. I think the issue is that everywhere had clearanced them for the summer as winter is coming in quickly. 

I was able to get the catcher done and attached to the base of the chime, and then tried to mail them from my sisters even littler town. The post office is a one very small room. It is the smallest post office I have ever been in. The other fun thing, is that everyone in town takes the extra things they have from their garden or want to share in the post office on the counter. 

I had a few boxes with me as I wasn't sure which would be better for mailing. Putting the one for my host sister and mother in the same box, or mailing them to their homes individually. Also, I wanted to see if I did a "Flat Rate" shipping international box may work better, but the post office was so small they didn't have the documentation or boxes needed, so I had to refill out the forms as she had a few in the back behind the counter. 

It took me almost an hour to mail the two packages from the little post office as the power had surged and the little printer she had wouldn't work until I suggested that she unplug it and then plug it back in. Then weighing, filling out the new paper work, packaging the two packages after figuring out which would be best, and then getting the postage on the packages. 

It was such an experience using that post office, but I loved it as I came home with two cucumbers and four zucchinis! I figured it was there to share, so I was happy that I used that post office rather than rushing to try and make my larger post office nearer my home. 

I hope that my host mum and sister enjoy the wind-chimes as much as I enjoy mine. I chose the saying, "I wish heaven had visiting hours" as I know that they will be missing him so much during this time. 

I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends who bought me the chimes, and for the families who were willing to take on a young American. 

Have a blessed day!

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