
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Loss Of A Beloved "Dad" in My Life

I have shared over the years that I was an exchange student through Rotary International 38 years ago this month. 

I was blessed to go to New Zealand. I had a Host Liaison familly, and then four host families that had me for a few months each. They were varied family sizes and dynamics, but I LOVED each of them so much! 

My first host family was a wonderful couple with one daughter. I was one of 8 children, so moving from a crazy busy home with an active family, to one with only one child, was a bit of a change for me. 

I was so grateful to this family for "breaking me in" as I was dealing with jet lag, culture shock, homesickness, and missing the social aspect of my small religious community where I would see my friends weekly at school and church. 

I already had two younger sisters and a younger brother, so I was used to being a big sister. My host family was really easy to love. They were so gracious to allow me to stay there and to make me feel safe and allowed me to feel all the different feelings that came up those first few months. 

My first host father passed away unexpectedly this past week. He has stayed active and rode a bike on his last day. He was in his 80's and was such a active and buoyant person. 

He and my fist host mum came to visit me a few years back and got to meet all my girls. They came to visit many years ago when we lived in the East as well, but this time was so fun as they were able to meet my girls and grand-daughter. 

I was so sad to hear of his passing this week. Princess One actually saw a post on Facebook and then let me know. It was so unexpected and sudden, that it took everyone by surprise. 

There is a blessing in the world due to COVID, and that is that everything has had to go digital! With the resurgence of of COVID through the world, they had to limit the amount of people able to attend the funeral. With that, they were able to stream the funeral! 

It was amazing to be able to see my host sister paying tribute to her father, and hearing all the people share about their life tributes. They also did a video / music slideshow which was fun to see. He and his wife have traveled extensively and watching that video, it was even more evident how much they traveled. 

It was fun to hear about the awards he got for service as he received NZ's highest honor for service. He was in Rotary International leadership for years. He was a friend to everyone and that was something that was mentioned by every tribute speaker. 

I know that his family will take some time to adjust to life without his fun sense of humor and kindness daily. I have been praying for them, and pray that God will allow them to heal and adjust quickly. 

RIP Dad! I love you, and am so grateful that you allowed me to be your daughter!

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