
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Sorry I Am Late Posting - It Was a Rough Day / Night

I shared in yesterday's post that I wasn't feeling all that great. I ended up in bed much of the day and kept falling asleep. It was a close friends birthday and she called to open the card I sent and I almost felt drugged talking with her and was very out of it. 

I watched a dear loved one's funeral from another country, and found out one of my best friends passed away. All of this was yesterday and I am struggling with the earring / ears being infected and started having equilibrium issues nearly falling three times. The emotions of all that news yesterday, and not feeling well took its toll. 

I am still waiting for the new earrings to come as I don't want to have to get them done again, but who knew that after hours searching online, I only found 2 earrings that would work in silver. One on Amazon, and one on Etsy. I went to order the ones on Amazon, and they were out of the length I needed, so I went with Etsy. 

I have never ordered anything on Etsy before, and it took a week to ship and they must have shipped ground or something because it has been a full week and I still haven't gotten it. 

I also woke with the sore throat and am now struggling breathing a bit. I took a walk and could feel that my allergies were really on overdrive and I am sure it is due to the earrings causing so many problems for me. 

The only thing I got done was making a few jewelry videos, and drying a batch of dried apples. I pray that the earrings come today and I can get these earrings out of my ears. There aren't many other options. 

I hope I can feel better and heal my ears soon. Have a blessed day! 

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