
Monday, August 30, 2021

Happy Birthday To Me - Sushi Fund and Flowers

I had a birthday recently amongst all the craziness of my life currently. I am not one who is big on birthdays as my family was so large we didn't do much other than gifts and a cake on the birthday when we were little. 
I have never had a hard time getting older as I see it as a part of life. I don't have many expectations, but one things I do love on my birthday is talking with my family, notes or cards and I LOVE getting sung to by anyone! 

I have always loved music so over the years I have saved all the phone messages where people sing to me. I have my mother singing her own rendition to me in 2014. I have Princess Three playing the ukulele and singing to me. 

I have my brother and his boys and wife singing in five part harmony, another family members family singing to me, messages from all my other girls over the years and Grand Princess One in her baby voice wishing me a happy birthday.

This year, I get to add my grandchildren singing to me as I missed a video call with them early on my birthday, so my daughter took a video of them singing to me! It is so cute! I want to save it on my voice messages somehow so I can listen to it each year along with my other fun songs. 

I got flowers from my Dad and Step-Mom (who I love like a mom, but use her title for clarification) along with a card. I got flowers from Princess Two and a massage certificate. She had a friend bring me the flowers and that same friend took me to lunch, and another friend took me the next day. 

My sweet youngest sister offered to take me to lunch but had recently picked me up some sushi, so I asked her if she could help me finish fixing a tray from Princess Three's wedding. She did that first thing and has it ready for me to get back to Princess Three!

Several of the girls gave me money for sushi and other treats. My dear friend Julie and her husband who I have mentioned many times over the years, dropped off a card the day before with some money for sushi! Everyone knows me so well!

I am going to have a sushi fund for a few months now with everyone's generosity! I also got a card from my woman's church group with a small card print of Christ. I had texts, emails, and phone calls all day.

I feel so blessed!

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