
Friday, August 27, 2021

Gummy Vitamins Causing Diarrhea - Wheat or Other Ingredients Causing Problems


For two weeks I suffered from watery diarrhea. I had been taking gummy multivitamins for a month or so. 

I found some Centrum multi-vitamins gummies on clearance for $5 at walmart a month or two ago. I took one bottle and then started a second bottle. I hadn't noticed anything odd while taking them. I wasn't consistent taking them every day, but every few days along with a handful of other vitamins. 

A few weeks back, I had lots of crazy things going on and was keeping really busy with life events. I had a wedding, a family reunion, kids moving states, and other events. I think I got food poisoning, but in reality, it could have just been the vitamins, but I started having diarrhea like water. 

It continued on for two weeks straight. I tried all sorts of different things taking things that would normally help diarrhea. NOTHING helped. Of course, having stressful events, I was taking those vitamins everyday hoping they would help me have energy for the crazy events I had going on. 

It was super stressful having diarrhea during the wedding and the family reunion. I was only getting a few hours sleep at night as the diarrhea would wake me and I would be on the toilet for long periods of time. This lack of sleep made me even more tired and stressed making me think I needed the vitamins to help me get through the stress. 

I got home after the events and was going to take the vitamins and had a horrible feeling and felt that I shouldn't take them. I didn't have time that day to look at the vitamins and ran off to my next event. The following day, I looked at the back of the vitamin jar and noticed that there is wheat in them. I am not sure why I didn't check that when I bought them, probably because I have eaten gummies in the past without a problem. I wouldn't have thought they would have wheat in them. 

I stopped taking the vitamins and my diarrhea stopped. I am gluten free so wheat is an issue to me, but I have never had diarrhea from eating it. It usually gives me a heat flush and makes me really tired. However, I don't know that the wheat was what was in the vitamins that was causing the diarrhea. It could be something else. I probably will never know because I won't ever take gummy vitamins again. 

I am only posting this in hopes that I can help someone else who may be having issues with taking gummy vitamins, or Centrum multivitamins. I don't know if it is specific to Centrum, or gummies multivites in general. I just want to make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. 

I have finally been able to sleep the last few nights and my bowels are back to normal. Who would think that two little gummy vitamins could cause so much trauma in my life. 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Oh my goodness...the same is happening to me. I searched the "gummie vitamins/diarrhea" and found this blog. I am so sick with diarrhea right now. Stopping the vitamins now. How long did you see improvement after quitting them?

    1. Hello and welcome to my blog! It didn't take long for me to get better. I stopped taking any suppliments and gave myself a rest from them for a few days or so. I have not been taking any vitamins much lately due to being busy and travel, but need to get back to taking the regular ones. I thought the gummies would make it easier for me to take but NOT worth it! I hope you get to feeling better!
      Have a blessed day!
