
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Parasite Update - Body Overheating Due To Biofilm & Worms on Base of Hair Maybe

When I feel water on my skin, for example, when a mist comes off the sprinklers and my skin gets damp, the hairs on my skin will stand on end kind of like when you are near electricity. 

This happened to me one day, and I decided to try and take some close up pictures to see if I could see any of the parasites on the skin as I can feel them when I get moisture on my skin. 

I found a weird phenomenon when looking at the pictures I took. There is a weird thick fluorescent thing showing up on the base of many of the hairs in the pictures. I have always believed that these worms live in or just under the skin in the pores and create a waxy film or biofilm over the skin to keep the moisture in the skin. 

I know that when my skin is wet and the girls skin would touch my skin, we would both get rashes. I can feel them moving under the skin. I have seen them in the pores when I did peroxide soaks. 

I made a video and showed some of the pictures I took, but I also share how the waxy film over the skin is causing me problems and my body keeps overheating really quickly in the heat. It has been getting worse and worse over the past few years. I am hot all the time and have to stay inside until it is dark. Even when the sun is going down, the air is hot and I can't do much. 

The only time I can work outside is when it is overcast and cool due to rain. It is amazing to me how debilitating the overheating is in my life. I get so hot my face turns red, then turns purple, and then I can't function. I never had a problem with sweating before, but since having this parasite, I sweat all the time. 

I share several things I have researched and am trying or was trying before the wedding and reunion. I am trying to get back to the things I was trying so I can give them a good try and make sure they either are working or not working for the parasites. 

I shared lots of things that I have been doing that are working and am glad that the crazy time in my world is calming so that I can get back to trying new things and doing more research. 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I have been following you for about a year now. I know God put you in my path! I have been fighting this for over 6 yrs & have had drs tell me it is in my head. If they only knew! Yeah, it’s in my head, my sinuses, my gut, my lungs, & mostly my skin & hair follicles! I pray every day that a medical research team will deem this worthy of their time and funding. There are way too many people suffering with this for the medical community to keep ignoring this parasitic infection!

    1. I am so glad you took the time to write. It is so hard to put myself out there for the haters, but then someone like you makes a nice comment and says I am helping and it makes it worth it!

      I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I NEVER thought I would be dealing with this for so long.

      I am with you in your prayers to have someone look at this. I would love to find a cure for this as well! Someone will have to look at it eventually, I just hope it is soon as I see myself getting in deeper and deeper.

      Stay well and know you are not alone! Thanks again for your kind words!

  2. I live in the Netherlands. I have been treated for over 2 years. Only today I came across your blog and the tears are just pouring down. nobody believed me. no one wanted to hear about "worms", my first fears I started feeling in February 2019. the dermatologist treated me with antibiotics for 8 months with no results. the only solace was vaseline. I have a self-defeating attempt behind me because I cannot cope with it anymore. I've tried everyone. I tried to kill "it" with a laser hair removal device but it didn't help :(I changed everything at home. furniture, bed, rugs, pillows and the rest. the moment I contracted covid my symptoms subsided and I thought I was cured ... but after 5 months it all came back.Thank you for your blog because in the end I felt that there was someone who would not make me crazy and someone who would believe what I was saying. I am of good cheer with you.

    1. Hello, I am SO sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you have found my websites as well called: where I have all the information I have on this parasite.

      Even with all the information, I have not found a cure and am still researching and trying new things. I wish I had a cure for you, but just know you are NOT alone in this. Try and stay happy and just live your life, I know it hurts and is a crazy life, but hopefully we can find a cure soon!
      Have a blessed day!

  3. I came across your blog today sort of accidentally while desperately searching the internet for resources. I am still in a bit of shock that my “story” is so similar! As awful as it may sound, I must admit, I felt a bit of relief almost that I wasn’t alone! My nightmare began a little over 2 years ago and I have yet to get an actual medical diagnosis. The first year, I sought out every doc I could find begging them to believe me, armed with videos and pictures. Just to be given another script for steroids, skin cream, or psych med and sent on my way. Dare I mention the word “parasite” as I learned from the first few visits! I hoped that being a medical professional they would have to “see” what I did. I was apparently wrong. After spending the better part of a year trying to convince my family and doctors I wasn’t crazy or on drugs, I gave up. I just had to pretend I was “ok” while I was around anyone, to barely make it in my front door before falling apart. As I continued to get sicker and sicker, the answers felt as if they were getting further away, until I didn’t have any hope at all left. 6 months ago I raised my life insurance, stopped all medications, and prayed I wouldn’t be held hostage to this phenomenon that seemed to be killing me much longer! My first grand baby was born 5 weeks ago. I can see the same thing happening to him. So I began reading and researching the internet for answers. I seen the pics u posted and stopped me immediately because I have the exact same pics of the hair on arms and face! I’ve lost most of my hair on my head but they all look like that too! I have so many videos and pics to prove it’s happening, but no one seems to care! I figured out the peroxide soaks early on as well. And have bought and tried every product I find with little or no results. I have a medical background and think logically, but nothing seems to make sense, until I read as much of your blog as I could before commenting.
    Anyway Thank u for all the info in your blog and for continuing to fight for those of us that cannot.

    1. Hi Jen, You are so kind to thank me. I do it in hopes that someone who is in the right position will take notice and study this. I am SO sorry you are having to deal with this!
      Congrats on the new grand-baby! My grand kids are the best part of my world.
      If you haven't had a chance to look at my website about the parasite, it is called: and I have posted all the information in one spot there that maybe you could show your Dr. I also have a youtube channel called, thesecretisgratitude and I have a parasite playlist on my youtube channel.

      I will keep continuing to try things and hope that at some point I will find something that will work.

      Prayer to you and yours. Have a blessed day!
