
Friday, July 16, 2021

Wedding Shower Number Two For My Family

We had a shower Friday night for neighbors, friends, and family in our area. Here is a link to that post.

I shared in a few other posts that we have limited time to have showers due to time constraints and them moving to another state for her soon to be husband to finish school. 

With those time constraints, I figured if we needed to have a shower for my family, it would be better to do it before the wedding and if we could plan it the same weekend as one of the other showers, we could use whatever let over food we had for the next shower. 

His family is doing a shower this weekend with her friends doing a bachelorette shower for her, so the entire weekends was out to do one for my family. I suggested that we do my family shower after the friends and neighbor shower. So, we planned as shower at my Dad's house as my step-mother (I call her that only for clarity as she is like a mother to me) is an amazing gardener and her garden always looks so wonderful. 

I knew that she would enjoy hosting as she is the only one that wouldn't have to clean or work more in her yard to host. I did have a sister say she and her girls would like to host but I knew that the time crunch would make it hard to have one, so we just decided to do it even if people couldn't make it due to holidays and travel. 

We drove six hours round trip to go to and host the shower. It was SO hot outside but we were driving Princess Two's new car so at least the six hour drive was comfortable!  We also got to spend time with Princess FIVE on the way up! She chose to ride up with us which was nice. She hasn't been home since Christmas so getting that three extra hours was nice! 

Everyone was wonderful to help set up and clean up after the shower and due to holiday, camps etc, there weren't a ton of people, but one of her friends showed up with her husband and baby and that made her day! She was a bridesmaid for this friend a few years back. 

Several of my nieces brought treats to include with the food we had left over from the shower the night before which made for a nice table of food. My Step-Mother had a punch bowl set up and made slush for the drink, and she pulled out all her platters so I didn't have to pack any to her home. It was so nice to have it all ready to go. 

I planned the shower for 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. knowing everyone had at least 2 hours in either direction and I didn't want to be driving in the dark as with the heat, the deer have been at lower altitudes and I nearly hit two on my last road trip. 

We were super tired when we got home and Princess Two and I went to bed. It was a super hot and long weekend but full of loving friends and family. 

Princess Three said she felt truly loved so both events went well. 

Have a blessed day!

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