
Monday, July 19, 2021

Little Blessings Everywhere

It has been a long weekend and I didn't feel all that great even though good things were happening. 

I will share about the weekend hopefully tomorrow. I did want to share a few little blessings that happened this weekend. 

Princess Two knows how often I take Sudafed due to my sinus migraine problems. Here is a link to that post. It used to be so easy to buy the 100 count bottles for $1 before they started using it for drug making. Now, it is over the counter in the pharmacy and I can only buy a few boxes every six months or so. So, Princess Two paid for a few boxes for me this weekend to replenish my supply as it has been a rough year. 

This year has been a bad, especially the past month or so. I have thrown up twice in the past month for headaches and that is really a rough time for me. I sometimes can go a year or more without throwing up. She was with me both times I threw up this past month, so I guess she knew I was having a bad year with that. 

She paid for two boxes of the name brand product which is $20. It was so sweet of her to do that for me on her own. I felt very blessed that she thought of me. It is so frustrating that druggies make us have to go through that. 

Then on the way to another wedding shower, I stopped to use the bathroom at a thrift store but was in a hurry. I walked down the isles quickly trying to get in and out of the store in less than 10 minutes and I noticed some metal candlestick holders that looked like real silver. I looked at the bottom and they had plastic on the bottom so I think the people pricing figured they had to be fake or plated. I know that they used to start weighting the thinner silver candle stick holder to make them seem like solid silver sticks which are worth much more. 

I could clearly read "Sterling" on the bottom of the candlesticks and they were only $1.50 each. So for $3 I got two sterling candlesticks! Great buy! 

When I was driving home tonight, it was 96 Degrees and my car overheats in the hot weather and I have to take an hour break on long drives to allow the wiring to cool. I have posted about this in the past. Here is a post about that. 

While driving the long drive home tonight, there were three complete stops on the highway where traffic was at a stand still and I was really worried my car would overheat. The first two spots I didn't see any accident or sign of why the traffic was stopped. The third stop was horrifying. I saw over 20 officers over the three stops. The third stop was where an SUV drifted and hit the cement middle barriers over a small bridge. The car was totaled and there had to be fatalities and the debris was all over the road and there were police officers everywhere taking measurements and using different tools. 

In that moment, I flashed back to five years ago this week when Princess Five had her rollover car accident and how blessed we were that she survived as the people in that car were probably not as lucky. 

It made me realize that the big things that bother you are really little things! I said a prayer for the people in the car and made my way home. With being stopped in traffic at 96 degrees and worrying about overheating, the clouds opened up and dumped just enough rain to take the temperature to 69 degrees within five miles from the accident! The temperature didn't stay that low as within another five miles or so, the rain had stopped and we were back up into the 90's, but that small rain burst cooled my car just enough to make me not have to worry about it breaking down. 

I felt that God was watching over me knowing it had been a long and stressful weekend. I was so grateful to get home. 

Have a blessed day!

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