
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Helping Others Helps Me - Yummy Apricots

I was running errands and drove past my friends house and she was kneeling on her grass and I thought maybe she was digging up a sprinkler head. 

I flipped a U-turn and asked if she needed help. She was one of the sweet people that came over to help me make popcorn treats for the wedding for over four hours this week. I haven't written that post yet, but hope to get it written soon. 

She has helped me many times over the years pulling stuff out of my garage and with Princess one's wedding reception, and many other situations! 

I asked what she was doing and she was using a knife to edge her yard. I told her I had an edger and she said she was almost finished, but obviously using a knife will not make the edges even, so I came home and picked up my edger and went back to her house. 

We spent the next few hours edging, sweeping, and mowing. While she finished up, she told me I could pick some of the apricots off her tree and I picked a bag full and they were perfect! I love fresh apricots and had a tree at one point, but I would only get apricots every few years as the blossoms would freeze. It wasn't worth keeping as I never got fruit. I have missed not having apricots. 

It was nice that my friend allowed me to server her as she doesn't often ask for help. I was grateful she let me spend some time with her and that I was able to help her get her front yard looking beautiful. I just now need to edge my own. ha ha

It never ceases to amaze me how every time I go to do service, I end up getting something out of it. Time and time again I have been blessed when serving others. 

Have a blessed day!

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