
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

We Have A Venue For The Wedding Reception

Princess Three was looking for a venue for her wedding reception. She really would be OK without one, but it is important to the grooms family, so she has chosen to have one. 

His family didn't want it to be in a church or cheap venue, so they suggested an outside venue. Princess Three really likes this back yard venue and I didn't even know that was a thing. I guess you can rent peoples back yards for weddings and receptions and other parties or events! 

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a yard that people would like to rent!? I told my friend that hosted her outside shower last week, that she could rent out her back yard for over $1000 an event! They offer about 6-8 tall round standing tables, and 6-8 round sitting tables along with two rustic looking tables for gifts or serving. 

They also have a wooden bar you can use to serve drinks. They have a garage with a fridge/freezer for staging and I think they have chairs for the sitting table. They have some tall paper shaded lamps to light up the yard a bit and also lights strung over the grassy area. 

They have wooden decks at the back of the yard and a bathroom off the back of the house. I kinda wish there was an indoor air conditioned area but my brother said they would bring over their motor home so we can have an air conditioned area to cool down while setting up. 

Princess Three is so cute that she had pictures of the venue / yard and then drew cute little people around the picture to show how she wants things lined up. 

My sweet sister is going to haul up all the decorations and Princess Three found a few things nearer her area to borrow to save us from having to drive the bigger items to her area. It will be so nice to have the reception before the wedding so that they can leave right after their wedding to head on the honeymoon. 

I can't believe it is coming so quickly! What an exciting time ~ I am so excited for this new adventure in her life! 

Have a Blessed Day!

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