
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Finding Collectables At Thrift Store To Sell For Profit - Gratitude Moments!!

I have been manifesting what I need and want for many years now. It is the reason for my blog and YouTube channel names. I have gratitude frames where I place things that I am grateful for or feel are blessings. I made a video today where I share things that I felt blessed to find at a thrift store today that I can sell to earn some money for new tires for my new / old car. 

I also see rainbows when I am a bit stressed and that reminds me of my mother. I have blogged about this for years, here is a link to the first post about this. 

I found a record with a rainbow on it made into a bowl today. You can find many posts about this on my blog. I also share in this video about my finding coins when stressed about money and I am reminded to "TRUST IN GOD" and here is my first blog post about that linked HERE. You can search for more of these posts on my blog.

I also mention seeing 111's in my life and here is a link to the original blog post about that as well. You can find all the posts about this on my blog as they always happen when I have lots going on and am a bit stressed. 

God is always so good to provide me with the things I want and need. All my family and friends say, "If you ever need anything, tell her as she always finds anything she is looking for." I am always asking people to tell me what they are looking for as when you say something out loud, it creates and starts that process in motion. 

Just like the book "The Secret" shares, you can manifest what you need by just focusing on it. I have been so blessed in my life to continually get the things I want and need. My life is so blessed as these type of things happen all the time. I hope you are as blessed! 

Have a blessed day!

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