
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cleaning The Car - Delivering Food Is a Messy Affair

Last week I delivered food for two days. On one day, I had three car loads of food in cardboard boxes. I would take the food around and let people shop around the car. 

Opening all those boxes in my car left a trail of tiny cardboard bits and I hadn't vacuumed it since the last time I delivered boxes two weeks prior. My car was so dusty and looked horrible. 

Having some of my girls home for the past two weekends has been fun but I was embarrassed having the girls ride in my car. It was so dusty and I usually don't allow it to get so messy but with the Covid nightmare and being so tired after, I just didn't have the energy.

After I got home last night after serving my sister and niece, I still had a bit of energy left so I vacuumed and washed my car. It feels so good to have my car clean. When I got in it to run errands today, it was wonderful to open the door and see it clean. 

I have decided that in the future when I am delivering food, I will put down a blanket so I can just shake it off after and not have to vacuum it. I have delivered so much in the past few months that my back seats are constantly folded down. 

I am so grateful for my car. I am grateful for my dad and his wife for helping me get a car that is exactly what I need! I am truly blessed! 

Have a blessed day!

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