
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Service Always Seems to Benifit Me More Than Those I Serve

I called my sister about some things this morning and she sounded sick. She told me that she got a head cold and wasn't feeling great. I asked if I could do something for her as she said her daughter that is living with her was going into labor. 
I hung up and was feeling like I need to help her. I said a little prayer and had the thought that I should take over my ozone machine for my sister along with some iodine for her. 

I had the thought to take over some essential oils and to rub my nieces feet to help her labor along, and to take some other oils to rub my sisters feet. I also felt like they both could use some healthy food so I cut up fresh watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, bananas, and mandarins.

I went over and rubbed both of their feet for about 2 hours combined. I was glad I could do that for them as my sister is always so willing to help me out when needed. She seemed to be feeling better after so that was nice. 

My niece was having contractions but they weren't regular, but she said that my rubbing her feet was helping. She has had some preterm labor and some blood pressure problems recently so we are so grateful she has made it to a point where she can be safe having the baby. She is very ready to have her baby! It was fun seeing her daughter play today. She is the cutest thing and reminds me of her as a baby. It is wonderful to see my nephews and nieces having families of their own. 

While I was rubbing their feet, her twins were making french fries in her Electric Fryer. I have heard of electric fryers but have never seen one used or tasted anything made in them. They let me taste a fry and I LOVED IT! I can't eat fried food due to my fatty liver / no gallbladder symptoms. So, for me, it was a revelation! 

I told them I needed to look at buying one, and my niece said her mom had a smaller one she saved to give her, but they ended up getting one so she thought that maybe I could have the one her mom saved for her that was a bit smaller. 

It is perfect as I only need a small one and so I brought it home and put some fries in it. The first batch I made I just it the "fries" picture on the preset, but they were almost burned. I remembered at that point that my sister said she doesn't leave them in the entire time as they over cook. I put in another batch and did them for 15 minutes and they were just barely overcooked so I think next time I will put them in for about 13 minutes. It is like new and was easy to figure out! I am very happy about having this!
It has been about six years since I was able to eat fries and I used to LOVE eating shakes with fries. I had some ice cream I purchased when the girls were home this last weekend and I ate the ice cream using the fries as a scoop and was almost giddy with the flavor / texture / salty mix. I LOVED it. It took me back to the summer I graduated high school when we would get shakes and fries all the time. 

It always seems to happen that when I go somewhere thinking I am doing service, I end up getting more than I give! I appreciate that God always does this for me. I feel very blessed! \

I am glad I had the time and felt well enough to help them both today. I am excited to meet my nieces son and pray he arrives safely. I also hope my sister feels better soon so she can enjoy her new grandson! 

Have a Blessed day!

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