
Thursday, May 20, 2021

I Finally Bought Home Security Cameras

I have had some issues in the past with someone breaking in. It hasn't been often, but has happened. 

My girls have offered to get me cameras for awhile now, but I finally just decided my peace of mind was worth the money it would cost to get them. 

I don't want to post pictures of where they are obviously, but I am just grateful that this technology is available now. 

I don't travel often and really like to be home, but I also like that in an emergency my girls can access the cameras to see if I am OK, and I can access it when I am away as well. 

It is amazing to me how inexpensive these cameras have gotten and how small they are so that people don't even know they are there. It makes you want to be on your best behavior wherever you are as you really could be being videotaped wherever you are! 

Have a blessed day!!

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