
Friday, April 23, 2021

Whopper of a Day - Migraine and Service

My day started early with a call to get boxes of food to distribute, but I was fighting a migraine and it was rough most of the day!

 I distributed boxes of food in the morning and then filled my car with cases of items the food bank has overages of and was distributing those most of the day. 

Yesterday, I also distributed most of the day. Usually when I distribute, it is perishable items that we can't fit in the freezer or fridges. However, I had 2 cases of about 12 different items in my car and would just have people get a box or bags and "shop" around my car. 

At lunchtime today, we went to the senior center who opened their doors for lunches after a year of drive through lunches due to Covid. One of the workers from the food bank was sharing information about how they can apply for a federal program if they make under $1300 a month for a few box of food a month. She also shared how a single person can make just under $2000 and still get help from our food bank giving them another box per month. 

Once they finished lunch, they "shopped" around my car and then I distributed from my car at different spots around town to bring awareness to the food bank and was able to help a father who had just gotten custody of his daughter was put into foster care after she was taken from her mother a year ago. I helped a woman whose husband is in jail and she is working a few jobs trying to support her family. I helped a woman who thought she didn't qualify by making more money that allowed but I was able to show her that she qualified. 

I met a Hispanic mother of 2 who has friends that are undocumented and I gave her directions to the food bank and the hours we are open and asked her to share with them where and when they can come get food without prejudice as we recently heard that some children were going hungry due to fear of deportation. We are looking for ways to reach out to them. I was grateful I was led to meeting her. 

It is amazing how many people I got to meet or talk to just because I had a car of food to give away! 

I was grateful at days end that I started feeling better in the afternoon and hope that I can sleep in as I am exhausted! It has been two very busy days! 

Have a blessed day!

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