
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Neighborhood Service Project - Lot Clean up

A few weeks back, I felt like I should contact my neighbor whose husband passed away a few years back to see if I could help her in her yard. 

My neighbor had a huge garden and gave me produce all summer long every year. Since he passed away, and the year before his death, he didn't garden and his plot has been sitting empty and his tools are rotting in the shed. 

I asked another family in the neighborhood if they would help me clean off the garden lot and they said they would. I wish I would have taken "before" photos of the lot, but as usual, I didn't think about taking pictures until we were almost finished. 

I felt very sad when my helping neighbor hit his head on the swing set and got a small cut on the top of his head that alarmed his children as head cuts bleed lots. We got it cleaned up and sanitized and then finished off the lot and it looked great! 

The owner of the lot appreciated the help as that area has been in shambles for years. My favorite part of the night was when their four year old threw a fit at home saying she wanted to come help me! She kept saying, "I want to help!" so I would show her how to rake, carry bricks, drag sticks, put stuff in the garbage, etc. I loved when I looked over and she had the rake upside-down and she was dragging it around. It was so funny! 

I loved that they got all seven children out there at some point to help! I have great neighbors!

Have a blessed day!  

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