
Monday, April 26, 2021

I'm Fairly Sure I have COVID

I started having some weird symptoms about five days ago. My eyes were red and irritated and felt like they did when I had measles. 

Four days ago I woke up with a horrible headache. I took some medication and the headache got better, but I still had it most of the day. 

Three days ago, I woke up with a back ache in my right shoulder. I couldn't move for hours in the morning. I also started having little short pains like blood not getting to an area. I also had weird feelings on the roof of my mouth. When I would drink, it would feel like something was loose in the back of my mouth, and my tongue has felt like I burned it on pizza or something for about a week or so. 

I then started having a sore throat which came on VERY suddenly. It was hot and sore and no matter what I took, it still felt sore. I was up most of the night with pain in my neck. 

Last night I couldn't get warm but was feverish. I had on wool slipper,s sweats, a heated blanket and was still cold. I was awake every few minutes with neck pain and more head cold symptoms. I also woke in clammy sweats a few times.

I climbed into bed at 8 p.m. and woke about noon but woke every few minutes when I would take something to try and numb it. By the time I got out of bed, I had sharp pains throughout my body and my neck was so sore it hurt to move my head or open my mouth. My neck lymph and groin lymph are swollen and hurt. 

I love that God takes care of my needs. I purchased 2 whole chickens a few days ago as I wanted to make chicken broth! I must have known that I was getting sick before I got sick. I made a roast yesterday and then boiled down the chicken for the broth today and felt much better after drinking some. 

My nose is now dripping, my throat, mouth, teeth, and neck are really sore. I hope I can start feeling better. 

Have a blessed day!

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