
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Can You Tell Me What This Is - Interesting Pottery Find

Last week I was shopping at a second hand store and I saw this cute little "thing" and asked all the employees at the store if they knew what the pot was. 
I thought about it holding toothpicks, but they would fall out the sides and there is no way to make them come out of the mouth. When I asked the employees, they said the exact same thing. It was funny! 

I had to buy it just to see if I could find out what it is used for as it is so unique. 

I am wondering if one of my friends on here can tell me what it is and what it is used for as I have no idea. I can't read the potters name very well either. 

It amazes me that potters work so hard on their items and then use symbols, stamps or messy signatures to sign their work making it hard to attribute the work to them. I don't know why as if I took the time to create something, I would want to take the credit for the item. 

If you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments! 

Have a blessed day!

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